Sunday 11 May 2008


Well, check these out frenz!!! ManJa saje jew nak ajk kekawan buka minda. Kali nih, we gonna test our eyes. Uuuu~~~~…

Mata nih, sometimes mmg kuat menipu. A’ah,… that is not the eye who really cheat us, instead we have been cheated by our eyes…hahaha..x cayer,x per.. but cuba try tngok gmbar2 kat bwah nih..

Do these pictures really move?? “Mcm gerak je”,kata Nana“A’ah, serious la…mmg gerak”, tmbh Maymay. But one thing for sure gambar ni mmg x bergerak langsung… see!!! We have been cheated for another time…

X puas hati kew???hehehe…cuba yg ni plak…kalu bijak, ada berapa bintik hitam pada gambar nih..kira jgn x kira…
Well, surrender???hehehe…mmg susah kan? ManJa pun x dpt nak kira berapa..bintik2 hitam tuh mcm bergerak-grak..kan..kan..kan..?

Try tngok gmbar bwh ni plak. Apa yg kekawan nampak??? Mcm2???
Mana satu yg kekawan nampak dulu???hehehe…pelik kan..

Well, tu la mata. Yeah, mmg manusia sebaik-baik kejadian. Tetapi, ManJa nak pesan, sebaik-baik bkn bermaksud perfect…Sedar la diri…cuba terima kelemahan diri dan org lain. ManJa percaya, pasti akan ada bahgia di akhirnya…bowleyy???

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