Wednesday 7 October 2009

Fresh Start....

Baru je 2 hari ManJa stat sem nih... getting up early in d morning, having shower...go to Jamiah. dis CYCLE is not new for me but it was me who still cant get used of it.

Insya ALLAH dis sem i'm taking 3 subjects:

1. Pharmacology
2. Animal Health
3. Environmental Protection

It was a fresh start... but not really... coz I hardly can find fresh air anywhere. evryone love to smoke, thats it.. I need to deal with it..

Well, I make a lot of friends too. I am d only Malaysian in my Animal Health n Environmental Protection class.. no wonder everyone like to 'tackle' me...heee...4 me Alhamdulillah coz I dont have any problem since d lecturer teching in English...

Itu lah serba serbi permulaan ManJa.. Hopefully Allah helps me to meneruskan ma responsibility as a Student.. ameen...

2 yg bersuara:

atiqahdahalan said...

manja, welcome back! =)
x nampak lg since balik ni.
hoping for the very best for u.

ManJa said...

tanx one...
mai la dtg raya rumah...

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