Sunday 10 January 2010

Jerash Picnic...but certain thin 2 mention b4 that...

Last Friday I went to Amman...decided to stay at aunty Suri n uncle Adnan. Nothing was planned just wanna have some peaceful place to study, besides its gonna be easy if I have sumone to take care of my need to cook during dis study weeks...ha3...

As soon as we arrived, we had dinner... so much things to eat...wah...chicken curry, fish asam, sambal belacan...haaa...very kenyang dat night...but aunty n uncle had dinner to attend that evening, so they didnt joined us on d it was just me n Fred yg melantak....

Bored living wif Bibik (maid) , n Fikri (aunty son)...I tried my best try to find alasan to have evening walk around that place...then Bibik allowed us to go nearby only...

We r teen, dont like to listen to anyone... we had our own plan...wanna see Sherlock Holmes movie...(when will u study, then???) we rush to city mall. from far i saw so many people gathered in front of main entrance... Oh no!!! its d fuckin rule again!!!

I acted cool, saying I am tourist. I wanna do shopping...its not a problem 4 me, since I got Korean look ( haaa..perasan nk wafat sgt) was Fred...very Malay look...then, how??? lastly the guard didnt allowed us to enter since it was a lady night..only for family n ladies...cilakok!!!

We never give up, rush to another entrance... wifout saying anythin I enter d was ok 4 only 5 steps away from d entrance door... then I was forced to go out... I was so angry dat night...haaa, Fred came up wif another idea..n it was brilliant!!! "We r sons of Malaysian Defence Advisor (DA)"...suddenly wifout further question, we r allowed to time i'll use this trick again...

At d cinema, so many people lined to buy d ticket...haa...I hate we decided to have window shopping only...

Returned home, we saw two cars parked outside...oh no..aunty was homed b4 us...luckly wif them is Jordan embassy we r safe since aunty didnt notice at all...coz we ask Bibik to open d back door...

N it was dat night aunty told us, we gonna have picnic at Jerash tomorrow...haa??? actually I tried to refused..but Fred stop me...then, how can I study???

Next morning, we prepared some Nasi Lemak to bring wif us to Jerash. Me, only helped to kopek telor... d rest were aunty, Bibik n Fred...

Dis was my 2nd time went to Jerash.. so, uncle Adnan had higher expectation on b d tourist guide there...kelam kabut I wikipedia sumthin about Geracia ( other name )...but I was no help at all that time...coz only a little I know about that place...

Ha..the only thing I love are taking picture n having nasi lemak...the rest was penat n panas...ha3...btw it was a good time...

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