Friday, 26 February 2010

Se7en wonders...alternate ending :) he3

Hari ni maulid nabi Muhammad (PBUH). Selawat n salam untuk baginda rasul junjungan umat akhir zaman.

Memetik kata2 Naqeb (Presiden PERMAI), "Rasul dalam hati setiap nafas, bukan setahun sekali"

I got an emel from Its a story about seven wonders. I think its good Id like to share wif ya.

The story is sumthin like dis...

A group of students were asked to list what they thought were "se7en wonders of d world". Though they were some disagreement, the following received the most votes:

1. Great Pyramids of Egypt
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire state building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. Great Wall of China

But the teacher noted that one student had not finished her list. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble wif her list. The girl replied, " Yes, a little. I couldnt make up my mind coz there were so many "

The teacher said, " Well tell us what do you have in mind? Maybe we can help ".

The girl hesitated, then said, " My se7en wonders of d world are: "

To see

To hear

To touch

To taste

To laugh

To feel

To love

The room was so quiet, you cud have heard a pin drop. All students were thinking including the teacher. The teacher said, " O0h, what an inspired answer from you. But I think u didnt understand my question. I asked for se7en wonders of d world not se7en wonders of life. You got me?? "

There goes the story of a girl, who thinks that she was so smart :)

Saturday, 20 February 2010

UK, untold part...

Well, my last post was mostly about the bad side of my trip to UK. But dis time I'm gonna show ya all d best part n y people all around d world still choose England to spend their holiday :)

Firstly, England after Italy & Spain is d best place 4 people who loves art. All d buildings look classic n d architecture is superb. Plus so many Art Gallery wif free admission :). Either its painted or portrayed into statues.

How some people appreciate art...:)

How animal feel for art...:)

dis last 2 picts are not statues, but real men who make money by standing 2-3 hours unmove, sound easy till u put a try he3 ;)

Secondly, for football die hard fans, u shud really come here since u all can take d tour inside d stadium. If u lucky enough u can see ur favorite player practicing in front of ya. Buy some jersey n snap some picture which I did only dis part since I dont really mad wif football. :)

So many places to be framed into ur photo. Seriously it was all breath-taking view; specially at d park / garden which I enjoy dis part the most. :) feeding d ducks, gees n swans...or perhaps squirrels.

me, feeding Cadbury to d birds

wut wud u feel? so many swans waiting 4 ur Doritos :)


More over for me England is d best place for shopaholic. Every price r reasonable n lots of choices as wut happened to me, I'm sure u'll end up buy all of it.


Everyone is friendly...except d immigration whom I told ya b4..he3...when u lost, just ask anyone for direction. I'm certainly sure they'll help u for d best they can do. Besides d transportation is easy-passenger plus hell-punctual :) I still remember I was scolded by a bus driver coz at that time I hardly find my ticket, "Please hurry young man, as I got many people waiting 4 me"

Lastly, d EYE. I have no idea wut r they trying to proof / show wif dis land mark, that can be found almost all places around england...for me, Id been to 4 eyes...





Thursday, 18 February 2010

Winter Break yg lalu...

Fuhh, lega rasanye dpt kmbali ke Jordan... err u noe wut I mean. ~~~ :(

Aah, btw dis entry is not my Journal. Journal lengkap ada kat Acap Perez. Dia x kemaskini lagi. Cerita ini adalah tetang rasa, perasaan n my opinion about dis trip.

Since 27/1/2010 - 15/2/2010 I went for a trip. UK la temptnye. Untuk hbskan semester break aku. I spent almost JD1500 for everythin; transportation, food, shopping n admission fees + souvenir. Accommodation; luckly I spent no money since its free. Yeah, sbb sepanjang perjalanan trip ni aku hny menumpang umh member2, umh sedara member, airport n terminal bus.

From Jordan we traveled by bus to Istanbul, Turkiye across Syria. Then, from Istanbul kami terbang dgn EasyJet tros ke London, England. Mmg pnt tp kegairahan aku nk menjejak kaki ke UK merawat jiwa lesu ku... :)

I went as a group of 4. Me (Amad), Acad, Afiq n Acap. Cool kan, semua nama initial huruf A. hee :) kebetulan...

.:: Acad, Afiq, me, Acap::.

Almost 10 days we spent just in England, 1 whole day in Dublin, Ireland. Actually we planned to go to Cardiff, Wales ...unfortunately we bought a wrong ticket which can be used only in England. If we insist to do so we need spend some more money for d new ticket, makanye kami cancel trip ke Wales. Scotland lak, sgt la jauh n makan masa. Awal2 lagi dh decide x nk g Scotland.

"England mmg bajet bagus", aku sendiri x percaya yg aku benar2 merasakanya.

My reasons are:

1. Airport Gatchwick, London.
Kastam kat situ x friendly langsung. First he asked about my job n wut brings me to England, then I answered him politely I'm medical student n I am going to attend my Reunion Gathering. But, kastam tu cam sial bukan nk fokus pada aku. Dia dok cbok tgok passport aku yg dh nk hbs mukasurat. ( Majority sume students oversea suke travel luar negara, tu yg cpt penoh ) Besides dia dok cbok compare muka aku skang dgn gmbr dlm passport tuh. Pastu buat muka c&b@i.

Then he asked about my money, mmm ni lagi sial. Bley dia tny ko ada ckop duit x nk stay kat London ni? Aku pon mengeluarkan segumpal not GBP50 aku. Tambah lg dgn duit Euro aku. ~sambil buat muka berlagak n malas nak layan kastam tuh~ I said, " I am not sure if dis really enough for me to stay in London since dis is my 1st time"

2. X r bersih sgt London nih.
Bukan men lagi org Malaysia kite dok canang kate ngr omputih ni sgt bersih. Indah khabar dr rupa. Bagi aku sama taraf je dgn Malaysia. Besides kat Malaysia xde r ko nmpk chewing gum bersepah macam taik burung je atas pedestrian n jalan raya. Underground n train ko jgn citer r. Botol beer, kulit pisang n surat khabar..semak. Omputih ni bukan sume nye bagus, ada gak yg bajet bagus. Pengotor. Fakta menarik tabiat kencing merata Middle East turut dipraktikan oleh org di London. Selain org, maybe hanjng!!! lagi sial...

Tu je r..x baik kutuk byk2. Ckop sekadar renungan, kang kata x sedar diri plak...

To be frank it was just 1st half of dis journey is exciting. D rest is exhausting. Aku x dpt bayangkan dh berapa batu kaki aku ni berjalan sambil memikul beg yg berat. I feel sorry for my body, coz they were supposed to be rest during dis holiday...

My emotion, lg x stabil. Every now n then I need to move from house to house. Just met some old friends or made new friends then it was time to say goodbye. Sekali dua xpe was hard for me. :( pernah satu ketika I said,"Malas r nk tros kan trip ni, aku nk blk London n have enough rest". Bayangkanlah, I went to Dublin, Oxford, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, York, Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham back to London in less then 10 days.

.::Dis pict explained why dat Mat Salleh in BULLRING luv my lips, isn't it obvious::.

Trip ber4 ni, mcm2 ragam. Kadang2 x sekepala. Banyak makan hati or shud I say toleransi :)

Pasal mkn, x susah sgt pon. Exception tok certain places. Restoran halal mmg susah nk cari. So, member pesan klu nk cr mkn look for d V symbol.. maksudnye suitable for vegetarian...seb bek r ada gak francais2 popular yg dijamin halal kt England ni... contoh; ShakeAway(milk shake), CrispyCreme(donut), Subway(tuna,vegepatty,vegedelight), M&S(cookies, keropok). To be sure, aku x pernh berlapar pon sepanjang trip ni...

Masa kt London, I saw many Malaysian. Terutamanye masa mkn kat Kantin Malaysian Hall. Ada students, workers n tourist. Macam x percaya sume buat mcm x knal, eww...lg x best ada yg mcm berlagak je. Klu lalu sebelah nk say Hi pon payah...menyampah aku.

Ntahla mungkin nmpk je macam Malaysia, tp mungkin Brunei, Indonesia, Philipines or Bangla kot....

At last my trip come to an end, n I'm glad I made it. I'm proud to say, " It doesn't matter how far u traveled, d best place 2 stay is ur home "...

.::ex-SMKAKL @ Melur ; Bella, me, Tiger, Thoriq, Acap, Acad, Aisyah::.
.:not in pict; Wani, Affan, Izdihar::.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


sejuta rasa sukar tok dimengertikan
menghimpit di hati meresahkan fikiran
aku sememangnya insan tiada daya
untuk memutar masa menebus segala...

mengapa ini terjadi
di akhir waktu
kala percintaan kita menuju gerbang
bekali ku memujuk berkali ku rayu
teguh pendirianmu sukar digoyah

ku tangisi khilafnya diri
sungguh aku bukan insan sempurna
ku akui sakitnya hati
menyakiti hatimu berulang kali
penyesalan kini tiada berguna

ku melangkah dgn sejuta rasa
rasa yang hanya ku seorang tahu
semoga pengajaran bererti ini bisa membuatkan diri dan hati ku
merenung hikmh disebaliknya

p/s: mood emo d mlm hari..xtdo2 lg nih... :(

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