Saturday, 20 February 2010

UK, untold part...

Well, my last post was mostly about the bad side of my trip to UK. But dis time I'm gonna show ya all d best part n y people all around d world still choose England to spend their holiday :)

Firstly, England after Italy & Spain is d best place 4 people who loves art. All d buildings look classic n d architecture is superb. Plus so many Art Gallery wif free admission :). Either its painted or portrayed into statues.

How some people appreciate art...:)

How animal feel for art...:)

dis last 2 picts are not statues, but real men who make money by standing 2-3 hours unmove, sound easy till u put a try he3 ;)

Secondly, for football die hard fans, u shud really come here since u all can take d tour inside d stadium. If u lucky enough u can see ur favorite player practicing in front of ya. Buy some jersey n snap some picture which I did only dis part since I dont really mad wif football. :)

So many places to be framed into ur photo. Seriously it was all breath-taking view; specially at d park / garden which I enjoy dis part the most. :) feeding d ducks, gees n swans...or perhaps squirrels.

me, feeding Cadbury to d birds

wut wud u feel? so many swans waiting 4 ur Doritos :)


More over for me England is d best place for shopaholic. Every price r reasonable n lots of choices as wut happened to me, I'm sure u'll end up buy all of it.


Everyone is friendly...except d immigration whom I told ya b4..he3...when u lost, just ask anyone for direction. I'm certainly sure they'll help u for d best they can do. Besides d transportation is easy-passenger plus hell-punctual :) I still remember I was scolded by a bus driver coz at that time I hardly find my ticket, "Please hurry young man, as I got many people waiting 4 me"

Lastly, d EYE. I have no idea wut r they trying to proof / show wif dis land mark, that can be found almost all places around england...for me, Id been to 4 eyes...





2 yg bersuara:

muhammadthoriq said...

haha...beruntung haiwan2 kalo jumpe tourist mcm ko sbb dieorg dpt mkn cadbury,doritos,kit kat,etc.

about the eye,i've no comment abt that coz mybe the gov want to make it as a trend,every big city in england will hv their own eye in da future.

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