Most of it bukan UFO...sum of it, maybe r. menyampah aku tgok nye...jetplane pon x pernah nmnpk ke..hadooi..aku rase aku selalu nmpk kot masa morning assembly kat skola dulu2...
yang aku hangin nye, ramai giler haters marah aku bl aku ckp video ni aku mintak pendapat korunk la..adekah nmpk mcm UFO? Exactly my comment is "Stupid Chinese"
antara comments balas yg aku terime,
If u dont like it, dont watch it
Manja said: Bodohnye la, klu aku x tgok, mcm mn aku nk tau video ni bodoh ke x, bodohhh!!! Dh r tajuk suspen jek,UFO konon..
fuck u lil bitch whut r u a gay american? u jus mad cus them chineses smarter and richer den u retarded gay ass.
Manja said: wah tetibe ko emo,cek x marah eh, cek benci ja. i know its hard 4 u to admit it since its ur own flesh blood who did dis stupid video... dh r kate aku american??? profile utube aku terang2 tulis Malaysian... emmm, benci~~~(gaya TASHA MASRSHA)
It's funny how you Americans owe China so much money that you would be bankrupt as soon as you pay everything back. Your entire country will crumble while China laughs at you. You call them stupid? It's more like genius compared to you, morons.
Manja said: oi nen!! ko ni baru lepas fail paper account ke? org dok cbok pasal UFO, ko tetibe masok ekonomi dunia... pehal.."kang aku tumbuk kang"(sambil wat gaya Azlee SENARIO :))
I hate stuck up people who don't know what they're talking about.stop thinking you know everything and please grow up already.
Manja said: excuse me, hello!!! mmg aku xtau pon pe yg ko nk gelabah dgn bnd tuh. len la de crop circle ke, tu pon doubtful lg. ko tu yg patot bukak mata sepet ko...haaa!! kan aku dh emo...
When I said "Stupid Chinese:, its not like I cursed all of them... it was dis stupid video, making me LMFAO. coz thats not real UFO, its actually a jet plane...havent them seen it b4??? maybe dorang teremo kot, bl aku masok kan nama China kat c2... :( sorry babes... =P
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kepada kebun...
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