Sunday 18 October 2009

Suatu ketika dulu...

When people ask me, " Dulu ko sekola mn? "

I'm glad to say SMKA Kuala Lumpur. Yeah I was graduated there. But, b4 that Id entered so many schools...

Starting at Taski Al-Huda, Segambut...I learned to b independent. Going to d toilet by myself. Socialized wif friends. Getting up early in d morning n waiting till my schoolbus fetch me to my school... At that very 1st time, I started to discover d world..

Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Sri Sinar (96-97). Here, I wish that time will never gone. It was fun n exciting. I got to know Indian n Chinese people. Learn their language n culture. Celebrating their raya...deepavali, new year... collecting duit raya.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Selayang Jaya (98-99). I hate to b transfered here. Its my dad just had our house at Selayang. There, I had another 1st time taking public transport to attend kokurikulum. Still fresh in my mind we (me n my new friends) used to cheat d driver telling him " Pak Cik, ni tok sume tau"... padahal duit tu x ckop pon...City Liner @ Intrakota...

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Murni (00-01). Ever think u r really know wuts d meaning of PERPISAHAN. Nope.. Im d one who really can undrstand dis situation better. This is my 3rd school in 6yrs. Here, everythin changes. Sume dh bsar... Dis school I remember d most. Hbs darjah 6... UPSR hbs merdeka la...

Pastu, baru la SMKAKL. All malays. Teachers, keranis, tukang kebuns, makcik kantins n guards... Dealing wif non-malays only during tuition n shopping. But, I got to know my people. 5yrs in here, from I was called JUNIOR till I was d SUPER SENIOR. Meaningful...will never forget.

Thts all about d sweet lovely fantastic schools of mine.

Dulu aku cuma murid biasa...

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