Saturday 7 November 2009


Well, I'm 20!!! n its awesome yet I dont know y..ha3. yeah I feel great.

Aku lahir 3 November di satu petang 20 tahun yg lepas... aku dicampakan ke dunia 20 tahun 9 bulan yg lepas... n ever since, it was my mother n my father yang jaga aku. hopefully they are proud of me for what am I right now...really I love them both. they r apple of my hazel(berangan)eyes...

last night, I was having a party wif my friends (not all, i'm really sorry). Mmg aku dh rancang elok2 nk kena (prank) sume yg djemput mlm tu. Aku dh pasang2 kan sume mereka, then I asked all these couple to wear each special color... we got red couple, purple, black, green(couple ye x mau dtg, sian)...

then, it was me alone that night who got no partner... hes got a lil busy that night... he(lelaki)??? OMG...yeah. thats wut make dis party special. all are guys n all r being secretly-coupled by me n some of my friends...ha3..

Tp, dorang x ikut tema...but tanx r pada sape yg patuh pada tema...n its ruined a lil r that party. coz its supposed to be SECRET COMBINATION NIGHT!!! arggh!!! nwy its ok.. i'm having fun last night..hopefully all my guest feel d same way...

p/s: my party terpaksa dtunda ke 7hb coz duit JPA baru masok n my friends baru je hbs exam..

6 yg bersuara:

mummy-mia said...

Amad, happy birthday again... actually the way you make your entrance into this world was really dramatic. Hahaha... I'm sure your mom has told you that...

ManJa said...

yeah, emak did told me once...

wow, u got ur own blog. y dont u tel me earlier Mak Ani??

mummy-mia said...

Yes i do. It's an anecdote that I wish to leave for children (and nephews and nieces of coz) to read long after I'm gone nanti... Later I will also scan and post the copy of my last will and testament... hehe...

fred said...

amad is one of ma list to be invited..

atiqahdahalan said...

amboi....tip top nye party... for my 20th birthday i threw a party for my girls as well, exclusively on invitations only - murder mystery party - with cuppies~ agaknye 20th birthday mmg destined to be superb kan!

ManJa said...

yeah..pasni dh x leh nk buat kot party2 mcm nih..

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