Thursday 26 November 2009

Happy Eid sume !!!

Eid Adha, wut is d 1st thin come across ur head???

Hajj n slaughter ( shud I said sacrifices ??? )

Or wonderful n mouth-watery dishes...slurrppp (terliur terkenang sambal kacang my Mom)

Every person got their own way to celebrate dis raya...

Here in Jordan, they do celebrate dis Eid Adha more than Eid Fitri...not like MALAYSIA, we love Eid Fitri!!!

Well, just now I got a call from my lil c's, Maryam. She'd just turn 7 dis yr. I miss her so much. Keep wondering how many days had I miss her childhood...(bajet dh kawen)...we had been talking a lot, besides all of my family members got together right now... only me here...far away from them...

Actlly, I'd plan on going to Kuwait dis Eid. but it was cancled suddenly...hmm...

So, I think I just gonna go to Amman, go to watch movies…2012, twilight-new moon…haaa…wanna come wif me???

Nwy, when I was still talking wif my family, Hakim called me....n guess wut??? I forgot one important meeting wif sumone important!!!! aaaahh... but I dont care. family first...

sorry yek Hakim. n tanx for covering me.. I owe u one dis time my friend...

nwy, lets start takbir....3 hari tau takbir tok raya haji ni...Happy Eid sume...

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