Saturday 23 January 2010

How to make a perfect doughnut...

"Orang selalu berkata, buat doughnut memang mudah. Tapi yang sebenarnya, sangat payah."

Here is my story on how to make a perfect doughnut...

"It wasn't that hard"

"Doughnut?? owww, it easy man"

"I dont it that shit, coz its makes me look like a pig!!!"

Bila orang kata senang nak buat donut ni, tgok muka dia tajam2 dan renung mata dia dalam2. Mungkin dia:

1. menipu
2.mmg dia pro (pekerja Dunkin Donut or Gloria Donut or McDonut or Donut Empire)
3.sedap ke donut ko??? haa!!!

Believe me my friends, I tried 3 times... yet I never gave up.

1st, it taste bad n d texture is hell elastic!!! Its like eating a chewing gum. I dont know wut was wrong.

2nd attempt, it taste ok. But d texture is bad. It was more like biscuites.

3rd, taste n looks like cekodok. D only different is, it has hole in d middle.

Finally I made it.. delecious-yummy-saliva dropping nye..Aku jamin punye la.

p/s: Now I can say, "Doughnut, I can make it b4 u flip ur eye babe" ha3 ...

2 yg bersuara:

atiqahdahalan said...

resepi tak letak ke

ManJa said...


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