Wednesday 20 January 2010

Snow in Jordan...

Since yesterday, it was gloomy day... raining all d time. Washing clothes is very hard right now. ha3...maybe its d time for d Dry Cleaning service making money a lot...yeah winter...the temperature right now is 10 degree celceius. its freezing...

Unfortunately there is no sign of SNOW. Thats wut make me frustrated. All of my friends (x-smkakl) in UK, US, Japan n Korea...they had tired playing wif snow. heeee... Here in Jordan its really hard, yet sumtimes it did happened.

Dat pict (upside), it happened 2 yrs ago. i consider myself very lucky at dat time coz it was my 1st year study in Jordan n at d same time it was my 1st time playing wif snow. Just imagine how excited I was at that time.

Look at the date, it was 22/1/2008. Today is 20/1/2010...I wonder when will dis moment come again...Tomorrow or d day after dat...I'll wait for dat moment.


2008 winter break: Turki

2009 winter break: Egypt

Winter break 2010: UK

p/s: still I can cancel my trip to UK if only ...let it be... :(

2 yg bersuara:

muhammadthoriq said...

aku igtkan da trun snow utk kali ni,old pics rupenye.
dont cancel ur trip to UK,if so,i'm sure that u will regret later,haha...
becoz u will miss the moment we have gathering here.

ManJa said...

yeah thoriq..i'll stck to my plan going to UK..

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