Friday, 12 March 2010

Hamek ko!!!

Owh, I'm so tired to be Mr-Cries-A-Lot. Please, cry no more from me. Since that day, I learned crying solve nothing, nothing...

Dis time, I really put myself together. I gain my strength which I dont really know from where but for d first time I feel great!!!
I try to stand up straight not to hold on somebody else' hand.

As I believe now,
no one I can trust. They r all backstabber. Especially someone who is very close to ya. Damn right!!! Watch out buddy. The first time u have a doubt about sumone, leave him as I'm sure right now he is evil or can be more...

It happened to me. I did promised to my housemates not to mention anything about our home in public. But it was not me who broke dat promise, since just know I heard from bestest about his friend saying bad things about me, haaa!!! how can he knew?

Now, is my turn.

To be more interesting, let me proceed my post in Malay. Since I didn't expert writing in English.

X macam ousmate aku yg sorang ni,
ckp english bersembor. Tau la ko tuh open bite!!! Maksud "prostrate" pon ko kate potong testis...ayoo shamed on u...

He is d one who totally changed sejak dua menjak ni. Paling aku panas dia bawak cerita kat sume org yg dia jumpa. Mujur dia x tau bahasa hanjeng, klu x
hbs sume hanjeng barking aku!!!

Td, selesai je aku unpacking barang2 (baru pindah umh). Aku kluar bilik jap, cadang nk minum air. Aku bau haruman butter + gula...

Suddenly I've gone crazy. I look at my oven. Lots of bread in it spread wif butter n sugar. FYI, thats
my new oven. I'm planning to use it to grill chicken after I finished my exam dis 18th. FYI, I'd said it out loud. FYI, that oven cost JD60 n I paid it wif my own money. FYI, tonite I saw my gigi-besi-rakan-serumah sedang menggunakannya slumber badak air dia jew...then how???

Dah r tu,
oven baru dikata rosak. Padahal dia yg x reti guna.

Aku geram giler time tuh. Aku pon mengamok r. Then bley dia kata x tau... sial la kan. Aku tros r mintak duit. Aku nk divide duit oven tu sama rata, sbb dia g rasmi dulu sape suroh. Dia kate, "Aku xde duit!!!"

"I dont care!!! ko pinjam duit sape2 dulu!!!," currently using my high pitch.

dia lemparkan duit tuh. Aku dh mula rasa nk tumbok je muka dia, tp aku takot gigi dia patah, or bibir dia berdarah sbb dia pakai braces..maybe tangan aku pon bley berdarah...aku herdik dia soh angkat balik duit tu n bagi elok2 kat aku...

Dia x nak...

"Hamek ko!!!", jerit aku puas sambil menghempok kepalanye dgn sekampit note2 exam...

"Aku x pkol ko pon", jeritnye lg...

"Ko yg stat dulu kan", jerit aku lagi kuat..cuba melawan pitch Leonna Lewis dia. Dia x tau, aku Mariah Carey. Aku kutip duit tuh dan berlalu pergi...

Never mess wif me, P@|%... :)

3 yg bersuara:

Anonymous said...

chao osai motherfucker...xd kaitan ngn ko..ak br blaja pkataan ni..heheheh

ManJa said...

eleh..chinese boy youtube...baru tau ke?

muhammadthoriq said...

LOL! dah lame x denga cite ko ngamuk,hahaha...

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