Sunday, 16 May 2010

Re : STATUS saye gelabah...

Benci giler r org yg suke like2 page2 gelabah kt FB, xde paedah kot, ade ke?

Yang buat status gelabah gaban pon ada, lg aku panas yg chatting guna wall, ade kot app chat kat sudut kanan bawah FB ni, klu x jmp r kan...
Nyemak newsfeed aku je...
And this time I wanna show you my collection of those from my own newsfeed for d last couple days, Tell me ur opinion, Pada sape2 yg terkena, lepas ni agak2 ckt, wokeyh?

...will you date me?

Manja said: cermin muke ko dulu bley x? Bi**h!!

when u're born with balls, that means that u're meant to be, live, and act like a man..

Manja said: r u man enough? maybe dis is a line from a movie ~~` next time he shud have mention it

your girlfriend will make u a girl, buddy

Manja said: bla..bla..bla..FAG!!

Its too hot, anybody wanna become a fan?

Manja said: this is a good one... maksud mendalam..i kinda like it..

coq je yg mampu

Manja said: coq?? wut is dat choy!!!

nk deactivate fB!!!! nak ke x? nak ke x? nak ke x?...

Manja said: pergi mati bley x?

when i was thirteen, i had my first love.

Manja said: JB fever, pendemic sunggoh...

dlu sy nk kt awk,awk lak xnk kt sy...skrg sy dh xnk kt awk,awk lak terhegeh2...pening2....

Manja said: uuweekk!!! boley aku remove ko dr friend x?

org laen pn ade gf @ bf gak weh... releks2 ahh.. nk bgth satu dunia ko syg die ker.. chill2 sudah.. rimas btolla...

Manja said: setuju3

ter, please be nice to der!

Manja said: hambar!!! Adnan Sempit sgt kan???

mom,dad..hepi teacher's day!!

Manja said: yg sewelnye, mak bapak dia xde FB pon.. idiot!!!

Dis 2 lines showing how annoying it is when people chatting on wall, x nmpk ke chat app kt sudut kanan bawah FB tu??
A to B: comeyyyy..ha ha ha ak bosan
A to C:len kali kita men bowling sm2 ye..ha ha ha =p

Ni plak contoh group2 gelabah gaban yg dijoin oleh org gelabah sajork...
Sumbody just joined the group SAYA BUKAN KRISTIAN!!SAYA ISLAM!!
Manja said: Islam bukan pada nama...n bukan pada group yg ko join, ngerti?

Sumbody just joined the group Al Fatihah Allahyarham Aminurrasyid.
Manja said: Adakah same natijahnye join group ni dgn sedekah Al-fatihah tok si mati??

Ni plak I said WTF!!! hantu pe yg rasok ko?
berderet feed dr dia yg ko nk tunjuk sebenarnye???

Demo tahu dok abe yash. Real Valladolid adalah adik sepupu kepada Real Madrid. Selalu meme terer time match yang last. Keh3

Manja said: I dont speak ethnic... loser!!!

It's "public", not "pubic". =_="

Manja said: Nice one.. siries shit nk pecah perot aku gelak. Sape r kan yg dungu nk mampos tuh..

Thats all... (=

16 yg bersuara:

Anonymous said...

make way for the freedom of speech! it's THEIR facebook account goddamit. let them be. why dont u get a life by not reading em satus one by one. plus dont you know that there's an application that can HIDE the not-important-ppl-in-ur-effing-life? oh and speaking about the parents who dont hv fb account, well why dont u look at your previous entry about ur mom. does your mom actually read what u wrote? well at least i know my mum is checking up on me using my sibling's fb. pfft.

ManJa said...

Duh...that post is on my blog,n thats how my mom keep updating about me...i'll always share my post on FB...loser~~~

btw r u riyadh zangetsu ke?? sbb bdak ni r yg wish mak bapak dia kt FB tu..tee hee...oppsss...zasss

Anonymous said...

salam..relex2 la bro...yg ko nk g sound org len ye status ke chat pahal??klo x suke sgt update just delete them need to mad on u think all thing u do u make people around u ease..such as this post..please ..nx time think twice when u want to posting smthing..

ManJa said...

ske ati gua r nk sound ke x.. lu byk mulut kt sini pehal??
gua nk bg d0rang sedar, lgp0n gua x tulis na ak0t...tu dh ckop baik gua rse...
nwy ni bl0g gua, ske ati gua r nk p0st ape2 p0n.

Anonymous said...

ha tau pon. tu facebook diorang sukati diorang ar nak tulis pe. yg lu banyak bising pahal?

ManJa said...

weih, lu pesal??
gua ad menganjeng kat wall ko ke?
gua tulis kat blog gua, suke ati r..

lu bising2 ni, sbb sakit ati gua post status lu ke?...klu ade, bgtau r..gua bley padam r...klu xde pergi menyalak tempt len bley x...

muhammadthoriq said...


hakim said...

asslamualaikum muhammad abdullah bin suaidan ..ko ad masalah ke??jmpa direct r..ok ,,?

ManJa said...

tau malu...

hakim said...

malu??x de r..cuma ak x nak ko ye post ni wat maslah kt batch ..sbb ak ckp terus terng ..ak plg x puas ati ko jawab kt untuk status yg nk dextvate fb ke x tu...jgn r cari masalah..ko bajet cam ak x tau tu status sape..respect sket ya..n one more ..klo ko rs annnoy sgt ko delete je ak dr fren hal la..its ur prob n nothing single prob on r nk pnjg2..slmt.n gud luck rr utk exams ko..salammm..

ManJa said...

Gua xde yg problem...ko balak minah tu ke? nk backing dia pehal...ko igt dia sayang ko ke? opss,kan dh sentap...

I just wanna express ma feelin n ma thought in ma very own blog!!!

Lastly, post ni supposed 2 b funny.Let me b free..."make way for the freedom of speech!", katenye...

Anonymous said...

salam,amad,if ur mother read this..she could be sad to see what her son had done to people around him..jgn dirosakkan hubungan silaturrahim sesama manusia..

ManJa said...

pfft, common la..

org mcm ko ni, yang mcm katak bawah tempurong yg bagai racon binasa bangsa...xde keterbukaan...

xde sbb ni nk putus kawan or putus dungu mcm ko je buat sume tuh..

its nothing but a mom pon faham ni melawak je..

abc said...

amad,we still not late to change to become a better person than we are before..

maybe bagi ko,ni mcm suatu joke,tapi bagi org lain,mgkin dy akan terasa..bergurau mmg x de masalah tapi in a good manner,within good words pun kita blh bergurau kan(plus dpt pahala,insyaAllah) :)

kadang2 berdiam diri lbh baik dan lbh menenangkan..~

ManJa said...

malas aku nk layan Anak Babi Celop mcm ko ni...

guraun ni mmg nk bg org yg kena tu sedar, klu x, sampi bila2 x sedar2...

n ko ni patot diam, mulut mcm pantat ni nk mendidik,dia plak yg x puas hati...

ManJa said...

haa..kan dh terkasar..bukan pe, saje nk bg ko sedar...

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